Testing FEHM

Use fehmpytests to test changes to FEHM to ensure correct simulation. Fehmpytests can be run in four different modes, default, admin, developer, and solo which each run a set of tests. Currently, default and admin mode run the same set of tests and solo mode runs a single test. Developer mode is not implemented yet but will run a subset of admin tests.

Testing in Default Mode

To test the default suite:

  1. Navigate to the folder fehmpytests in a terminal.

  2. Type the following command into the terminal:

    python fehmpytests.py <fehm-path>

    where <fehm-path> is the path to the FEHM executable.

Testing in Admin Mode

To test the admin suite:

  1. Navigate to the folder fehmpytests in a terminal.

  2. Type the following command into the terminal:

    python fehmpytests.py --admin <fehm-path>

    where <fehm-path> is the path to the FEHM executable.

Testing in Developer Mode

To test the developer suite:

  1. Navigate to the folder fehmpytests in a terminal.

  2. Type the following command into the terminal:

    python fehmpytests.py --dev <fehm-path>

    where <fehm-path> is the path to the FEHM executable.

Testing in Solo Mode

The process for testing a single test case in solo mode is similar to testing a suite in the other modes. There is an additional command line argument needed.

To test a singe test-case:

  1. Navigate to the folder fehmpytests in a terminal.

  2. Type the following command into the terminal:

    python fehmpytests.py <fehm-path> <test-case>

    where <fehm-path> is the location of the FEHM executable and <test-case> is the name of the test-case method.


Developers must run in default, admin, or developer mode before commiting new code.

Creating an Error Log

An error log .txt file can be created to show details about an error and where it occurred. To generate an error log, add the switch log after fehmpytests.py and before <fehm-path>. Here is an example:

python fehmpytests.py --admin --log <fehm-path>

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